Freitag, 24. Mai 2024 – Université de Fribourg Forum

We are back with the Forum on the 24th of May, this year our host is the University of Fribourg. The leading Swiss conference on data and open knowledge, unites leaders, experts, government officials and enthusiasts to shape Switzerland’s data ecosystem.

For those who don’t know, the Forum is where together we explore the past, present, and future state of Swiss data. This year, the emphasis is on inclusivity, accessibility, and enabling.

How to build the necessary level of data literacy? Which actions and policies should we design to bring data closer to people? How do we build ecosystems for the common good? Those are some of the burning questions we want to discuss, debate and find solutions to. Don’t miss the chance to learn from top speakers in Switzerland and abroad and connect with like-minded individuals.

If you are interested in contributing a session as a speaker or a helping hand, please get in touch via forum[at]

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